Emergency Alerts
Stay informed during disasters
Emergency messages are sent by state and local governments and the National Weather Service via television, radio, weather radios, social media and alerts on cellular phones. Make sure you have a way to monitor severe weather conditions and receive emergency alerts at all times.
Información para prepararse o recuperarse de un desastre natural
Emergency Alert System
The Emergency Alert System (EAS) broadcasts emergency messges via radio and TV. Participation by radio and TV stations is voluntary, but organizations that join the EAS must agree to the follow rules in the North Carolina Emergency Alert System Plan.
Broadcast stations also join in required weekly and monthly tests to show they can send EAS messages to their viewers and listeners. Messages can be sent at the national, state or local levels. Most of the time, the system is used on a regional level for weather emergencies. It can also be used on a statewide level for monthly tests or child abduction alerts.
Las alertas de los desastres naturales
NOAA Weather Radio
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) airs constant weather information to specially designed NOAA weather radios. The information comes from local National Weather Service offices. The NOAA radios give timely, correct details weather threats that may be near a certain area. You can buy NOAA weather radios at local electronics stores. These radios are key tools to being ready for emergencies.
Wireless Emergency Alerts

A Wireless Emergency Alert give people a free and fast way to get key details. It gives you text-like alert messages to your mobile device during an emergency. It also sends details about AMBER alerts or other problems in your area. You do not need to get an app or subscribe to the service. Just make sure emergency alerts are turned on in the notifications settings on your phone.
Only approved government staff can send messages. The messages are short. They tell you the type and time of alert, and anything you need to do.
WEA messages are sent via cell towers. That means you only get those messages that concern your area. If the warning message is sent before you get to the area, your mobile device will get the message once you enter that area. Newer mobile devices are all WEA-capable. Ask your cell phone carrier if your mobile device can get WEA messages if you have an older mobile device.
Alerts from your local government
Many county or municipal governments offer free alerts that deliver emergency information to your phone or email. Contact your local emergency management office or follow the links provided here to sign up.