Pets are key members of a family. You need to include your pets in your family emergency plan and have an emergency kit for them too!
If you need to evacuate, always take your pets with you. Securely leash your dogs and carry cats in pet carriers. Do not let pets run free during an emergency. Pets can panic, hide, try to escape, or even bite and scratch during an emergency.
Keep a pet emergency supply kit with your family emergency kit. Include:
- Enough canned/dry food for 3 to 7 days (get pop top cans or have a can opener).
- Enough water to last for 3 to 7 days.
- Pet feeding dishes.
- Muzzle, collar and leash.
- Proper identification including immunization records.
- Your pet's ID tag should contain his name, telephone number, and any urgent medical needs.
- Current photos of your pets in case they become lost.
- Medical records (stored in a waterproof container) and a first aid kit.
- A two-week supply of any medicine your pet requires.
- Pet beds and toys, if you can easily take them with you.
- Disposable litter trays (aluminum pans are perfect) for cats.
- Litter or paper toweling.
- A pet traveling bag or sturdy carrier, ideally for each pet.
- Flashlight and extra batteries.
- Blanket (for scooping up a fearful pet).
- Proper fitting muzzle.
- Bring pets indoors at the first warning of a storm.
- Keep at least a week’s supply of food and water on hand for each pet.
- Have favorite treats that your animals like, which can be a comfort to them.
- Do not let pets drink flood water or any other water that may be dirty as a result of a disaster.
- Keep a backup supply of any medications your pet may be on; veterinary offices may not open for following a disaster.
- Keep a collar and up-to-date tags on your pets. Tattooing or microchipping your animal is a more permanent form of identification.
- Start a buddy system with someone in your neighborhood. Have this person check on your animal(s) during a disaster if you are not home. Agree to do the same thing for them.
- If you need to leave your house during an emergency, use a cat or dog carrier to take each pet in your house out with you. (In an emergency, a pillowcase is another way to transport a cat.)
- Have a leash for each dog. (A harness is also helpful in case a dog panics and tries to slip out of his or her collar.)
- Have photos of all of your animals to take with you if you have to leave your house and you lose your pet.
- In your emergency plan, identify boarding kennels, veterinary clinics, grooming facilities, hotels and motels, and the homes of family and friends where you might be able to take your pet in an emergency.
- Have the name and number of your veterinarian in case you have to foster or board your pets.
- Know where the animal shelter(s) or animal rescue group(s) are in your area. You may need to visit them after a disaster to look for a missing animal.
- Include some toys for your animals in your supply kit. Animals that are confined for long periods of time can become bored and/or stressed.
- Comfort your animals during a disaster. They are frightened too.

Before an emergency happens, know where you can take your pets if you must leave your house. All shelters should have a plan to accomodate pets - but don't expect to keep your pet beside you in a shelter.
Pet housing areas at shelters will be away from the living areas for people, and they might even be off-site. Many counties have the equipment to set up pet shelters when they open shelters for people, but you should always bring a crate or carrier and food and supplies for your pet. Some shelters will only have accomodations for cats and dogs. If you have an exotic pet like a reptile or snake, you may need to make other arrangements.
Some hotels and motels accept pets. Keep a list of pet-friendly hotels and motels or boarding facilities and their 24-hour phone numbers with your pet's emergency kit. You will have it if you need it. You may not find a pet-friendly place during an emergency. If so, you can call hotels or motels that do not allow animals to see if they will waive their no-pet policies. If you know an emergency is going to happen, you can call ahead for reservations.
Find pet-friendly hotels in North Carolina
You may prefer to ask friends, relatives or others outside your affected area to keep your pets. If you have more than one pet, be prepared to house them separately.
- Survey the area inside and outside your home. Identify sharp objects, dangerous items or wildlife, dirty water, downed power lines or other dangers.
- Do not let animals drink flood water or any other water sources that may be tainted.
- Keep cats, dogs and other small animals indoors. They should not be near unsafe wildlife or debris outdoors.
- Release birds and reptiles only if necessary. You should let birds and reptiles go only after they are calm and inside.
- Allow uninterrupted rest or sleep for all animals to recover from the shock and stress.
- Physically check animal control and animal shelters DAILY for lost animals.
- Post lost animal signs. Tell local veterinarians and your neighbors if you see/find a lost animal(s).
Rabbits, ferrets, hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, guinea pigs, etc., should be moved in secure carriers. Take bedding materials, food bowls, water bottles and exercise equipment.
Birds should be moved in a secure travel cage or carrier. In cold weather, wrap a blanket over the carrier and warm up the car before placing birds inside. In warm weather, carry a plant mister to mist the bird's feathers.
Do not put water in the carriers when you are moving birds. Give a bird a few slices of fresh fruit and vegetables with high water content for your bird.
Birds should be kept in quiet areas. Birds should not be out of their cages in unfamiliar areas. Give them fresh food daily.
Have photos available and leg bands on for identification. If the carrier does not have a perch, line it with paper towels. Change paper towels often.
Use water-tight plastic bags or plastic containers to move amphibians from place to place. Place only one type or one pet per container. Poke small air holes in the lid for air.
For terrestrial or semiaquatic amphibians, use a tiny amount of water, or moistened paper towels, foam rubber, or moss for the bottom of the container. For water-based pets, fill the plastic bag one third full of water. Then, you should blow up the bag with fresh air and close it with a knot or rubber band. It is best to use the water the animal was living in to lower stress.
Monitor water and air temperature, humidity, lighting and nutrition. Housing at the evacuation place should be consistent with what amphibians need. Make sure the container is escape proof. It should be placed away from areas of heavy traffic, loud noises and vibrations.
You can move small pet reptiles using a pillowcase, cloth sack or small moving carrier. Take your pet to a secure cage at the evacuation site when you get there. You need to include
- a water bowl for soaking,
- spray bottle for misting,
- heating pad, battery-operated heating lamp or other heat source,
- extra batteries, and
- proper handling gloves/supplies.
Information from the American Veterinary Medical Association