REVC - Radiological Emergency Volunteer Corps

Over 88% of North Carolinians live within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant. Radiological equipment and materials are used in industrial and medical facilities across our state every day, and are transported on our roads and railways. If a radiological emergency occurred, thousands of people may require monitoring and sheltering. Emergency management agencies will be overwhelmed - That's where REVC can help!

The Radiological Emergency Volunteer Corps (REVC) is a group of trained volunteers who are prepared to respond to radiological emergencies in North Carolina. In the event such an emergency, they will assist with setting up and/or operating population monitoring points at community reception centers. Our volunteers go through significant training to join REVC. Once they are approved, they can participate in drills and exercises to help test the abilities of emergency management agencies to respond to radiological emergencies and respond to actual incidents. 

To begin your free training, follow the matrix below for the first nine modules, most of which are self-led. If you have already done the required Incident Command System (ICS) classes, please send copies of your certificates to

  • ICS-100, Introduction to the Incident Command System (REVC Module 1)
  • ICS-200, Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response (REVC Module 2)
  • ICS-700, An Introduction to the National Incident Management System (REVC Module 3)
  • IS-317, Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) OR NC-317, CERT Basic Training Class (REVC Module 4)
  • REVC Module 5, Creating a TERMS Response Profile (password aMyvnuX3)
  • REVC Module 6, Health Physics Basics (password RhKeMQv8)
  • REVC Module 7, General REP Overview (password gFgi75Da)
  • REVC Module 8, Radiation Detection Equipment (password UmQ645wU)
  • REVC Module 9, Reception Center Operations (password 2YbJ72pz)
  • REVC Module 10, In-person Practical Stations, to be offered once a year in the vicinity each of the three Nuclear Power Plants in NC

To begin the training process, please compete the REVC Volunteer Registration Form. We will add you to our email list, and you are welcome to attend any of our online meetings even before you compete (or start!) the training program.

Thank you for your commitment to helping to make North Carolina safer and more resilient!

Upcoming Events:
March 31: NC-740 Introduction to Radiological Equipment, Greenville. This class will satisfy the requirement for REVC Module 10.
May 19: REVC Q2 Meeting. Virtual meeting at 1900.
August 18: REVC Q3. Virtual meeting at 1900.
November 15: REVC Annual Meeting, Pittsboro. In person!

Past Events:
February 26, 2024: Recording of REVC First Quarter Meeting (password qMNpH3eU)
August 26, 2024: Recording of REVC Third Quarter Meeting (password DtDwRgP3)
February 15, 2025: Recording of Animal Decontamination Session from Annual Meeting (password QbuXi482)

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