Radiological Emergency Volunteer Corps (REVC)


To respond to radiological emergencies and events in support of local, regional, and state requests for setup and staffing of radiation screening/monitoring stations, at designated reception and congregate care centers.

About Us

The REVC was first established in March of 2014 with funding support from the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc., (CRCPD).  In February of 2016, the organization became part of the US DHHS Medical Reserve Corp (MRC).

The REVC is an organization of emergency response volunteers trained to respond to radiological emergencies and events for the purpose of assisting local jurisdictions with the set-up and staffing of population monitoring points at community reception centers and other locations as necessary. The REVC has become the umbrella organization for the coordination of radiological response volunteers at the state level and is uniquely positioned to provide this capability to local jurisdictions across North Carolina.

North Carolina Emergency Management provides program management and helps to integrate the REVC with ongoing planning, training, and exercise activities involving the State’s nuclear power facilities. 

Want to know more about the REVC?  Contact the Program Coordinator:

Samantha Royster
North Carolina Emergency Management
Office of Partnership Engagement

Become a REVC Volunteer

To become a REVC Volunteer, you must:
•    Be at least 18 years of age
•    Maintain a valid driver’s license

To Apply:
•    Register for an account on TERMS.
•    Submit a completed REVC Volunteer Registration Form (see below)
•    Once your application is approved, complete the REVC Memorandum of Understanding

The REVC MOU acknowledges the expectations of REVC volunteers and ensures that employers are aware of their employee’s commitment to the REVC.

New volunteers must complete required REVC training within a year of joining the REVC.